Sunday, September 7, 2008

My First Post

This is my first post. I think that blogging might help me to clarify my thoughts about my research project. It my also spark an interest in others since it appears that at some time or another most people have underachieved. Why would we chose not to work to our ability? Why would a child/student decide not to work to their ability? Those are questions that I may or may not be able to answer.

I am interested in this topic because of my GATE training. Gifted students are notorious for underachieving. They don't want to "stand out" or be different from their peers. That is just one reason. I am sure there are other reasons that are much more complex. I am not a gifted learner. I do not fit into that category at all. However, at times in my life, I have to admit, I have not worked to my full potential.


LothLorien Stewart said...

I agree that trying not to stand out must be a common reason for GATE students and underachieving. I've seen the same thing with some of my students-particularly when they reach middle school age. It seems like the need to fit in overrides everything else for some students. Even if it means leaving behind their own best interests and abilities.

Kris said...

Lothy! Thanks for visiting my blog. I always enjoy your input. Good luck with finishing your project. I sounds like you are nearly done, or done! Good for you. I'll bet it's great.