Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So much to do, so little time

Now that this semester is underway, I am anxious (daily) about some aspect or another of my final project. Because of my problems that have arisen with my classes that I took that did not count toward my degree(I was told they should be fine) and now I have to enroll in 9 units more, plus the other things of just finishing my project, I feel totally stressed out. I am not close to a research library, so my research is mostly from online sources. I am looking for the books I need regarding Underachieving students, but I don't want to buy them, so I need to borrow from someone. Hopefully, my friend who is in charge of the Gifted program in my district will have them and he can lend them to me.

So I need to finish chapter 2, my advisor wants a draft by the end of September. I am nowhere near done! I am so busy with school that I have been putting it off, too. I need to set a goal to work on it each night for 2 hours. Okay, that is my new goal. I will start right now. Wish me luck! Negativity will not be tolerated...


Fergusons said...

Oh my goodness...that is so horrible about your units not counting =(. I thought over the summer that I would be really behind with all my action research, but the more I read from everyone the more I realize that a lot of us are in the same boat. I too have got to get my lit. review done, but am stressed about being a good teacher and focusing on my class. I think the beginning of the year is just troublesome as the dust starts to settle on our new classes I think more things will get done. Well at least I hope they do. I'm sorry about your classes that doesn't help in this mess either.

Theresa Morris-Terry said...

Kris, I am so sorry that you just found out about your nine units. I had to do the additional nine. It is do-able! I promise. Dr. Bohlin allowed me to do a 3-unit independent study through her and I took six units this summer -- one online class and one nine day class, both with Dr. DeVoogd. They will work with you to make it happen. Remember we have five years. I have changed my research and now have to begin anew on my readings and lit review. It is exciting and I am trying to enjoy it and not let it beat me up. I am behind my timeline with Dr. Alamillo, but I am working on it. DO NOT GIVE UP! We can all do this! Hang in there! ~Theresa