Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Conference Proposal

Wow! I just wrote my conference proposal. It was difficult to know exactly what to write. I don't think I would ever want to speak at a conference. Way too intinidating. But, you never know. So this was good experience in case one would want to do that. Looking ahead to the big project is overwhelming. I can do it. It just seems like there is so much to do. I need to bring my camera to school to take pictures for this blog...


Kimberly V. Marcis said...

I just keep telling myself to take it one day at a time. One thing that I did (one morning I woke up at 3:30am) was to create a calendar for myself and my project. I wrote down everything I need to get done and collect at school (things like "take pictures") and at home, and realistically when I would get them done. Then I printed my calendar and I have been referring to it daily, especially at school when things get crazy, I just glance at my calendar and remember what to do next.

Sandra Seals said...

Actually, the project proposal was just the thing to get me going! It requires you to really take a hard look at what you are trying to uncover with your action research project. You can do it! Just remember to pace yourself and it will eventually be complete.

LothLorien Stewart said...

I actually enjoy speaking at conferences, but find the conferences themselves (usually) rather dull. The conference proposal all of us MAT students had to write inspired me to apply to actually present at a conference and I'll be presenting at the AEOE Regional Conference in two weeks. It wont be about my action research as that isn't complete but will be about making classroom connections to outdoor and environmental education. I'm also considering applying to present at next year's Asilomar Math Conference, which I've attended and know would be an appropriate place to present the curriculum I've created for my AR project.

Kris said...

Kim, That's a great idea. I will do that, too. I remember they said to do that at our orientation last year. Thanks.